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Mapl handles static routes, path parameters and wildcards.

// Capture and return the path value
.get('/*/name', (c) => c.params[0]) // '/reve/name' -> 'reve'
// Capture everything after '/'
.get('/item/**', (c) => c.params[0]) // '/item/a/b' -> 'a/b'
// Multiple params
.get('/*/item/**', (c) => `${c.params[0]}: ${c.params[1]}`);

Mapl supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS and TRACE method by default.

// GET method
// POST method
.post(...) // Similar method names for other methods
// Handle all method


You can extend all routes of another instance.

const app = router()
.get('/', () => 'Hi');
const anotherApp = router()
.get('/', () => 'Hello API users!');
// To extend with no prefix, use '/' as the prefix value
app.route('/api', anotherApp);

After calling app.route, the app instance has two registered routes, / and /api.


Under the hood, Mapl inlines route patterns into optimized code paths to improve performance.

For example these routes:

.get('/', () => 'Hi')
.get('/*/name', (c) => c.params[0]);

Will compile into:

// This is beautified with added comments for readability
// Mapl version 0.1.6
(__req) => {
switch (__req.method) {
case "GET": {
// Get the full url
let __mapl_u = __req.url,
// Get path start
__mapl_ps = __mapl_u.indexOf('/', 12) + 1,
// Path end can be used later for query parsing
__mapl_pe = __mapl_u.indexOf('?', __mapl_ps),
// This is a way to slice the part from the url without branching
__req_p = __mapl_u.substring(__mapl_ps, __mapl_pe >>> 0);
// Match static routes
if (__req_p === "") {
return new Response(f1());
// Match route patterns
else {
let __req_pl = __req_p.length;
let __req_cpi = __req_p.indexOf('/');
if (__req_cpi !== -1 && __req_cpi !== 0) {
let __req_ps = [__req_p.substring(0, __req_cpi)];
// If chaining is faster in some cases
if (__req_pl > __req_cpi + 4)
if (__req_p.charCodeAt(__req_cpi + 1) === 110)
if (__req_p.charCodeAt(__req_cpi + 2) === 97)
if (__req_p.charCodeAt(__req_cpi + 3) === 109)
if (__req_p.charCodeAt(__req_cpi + 4) === 101) {
if (__req_pl === __req_cpi + 5) {
// Use this to append headers in macros
// To skip a property access
let __mapl_h = [];
// Context object is only created when needed
let __mapl_rc = {
status: 200,
req: __req,
headers: __mapl_h,
params: __req_ps
return new Response(f2(__mapl_rc), __mapl_rc);
// Default 404
return __mapl_r404;

Mapl generates code for the handlers and the router generates code for path and request method matching.